Introducing the new direct-drive models EP-27S and EP-70S. This series of Emulsion Plants are smaller, lighter and with a few less features than the full-size line of plants. Quality emulsions, made simple. VSS Macropaver® offers a wide range of custom-designed solutions for batch, continuous, or semi-continuous emulsion production. Plants are available in both stationary or mobile configurations. Customers receive individualized solutions - from plant layout to design to construction - based on their specific business requirements.
The Macropaver asphalt (bitumen) emulsion plant is comprised of several components, engineered so that the desired emulsion is produced precisely to formulation. Each plant properly controls the various combinations of asphalt, water and chemicals to produce the specific emulsion required. Emulsifier solution, additives, polymers and asphalts are metered into a specifically-designed manifold before being injected into the colloid mill.
We will work with you to assess your complete needs - including plant layout, design and construction. We'll help you elevate your local market and create an individualized solution.
Our technology transfer and laboratory services offer cutting-edge emulsion design for any job. Our expertise covers the full range of asphalt, binders and emulsifiers, and allows us to create quality emulsions with your raw materials.
We can help with your project from beginning to end, or advise and assist in any selected area. VSS Macropaver has the operations and application skills to commission and assist in the marketing and application of your products.