Answering the needs of HOT MIX Plant Owners, VSS Macropaver responds with an innovative design that allows single operator control of the Hot Mix Plant and the Asphalt Rubber Blending/Reacting Plant.
Key Benefits of Asphalt Rubber Roads
- Pavement Durability
- Recycling of Scrap Tires
- Safety (Traction)
- Noise Reduction
Utilizing the ideas modernized over 40 years of field experience and design perfection in conjunction with our sister companies, VSS International and VSS Emultech, we proudly introduce this break through in Asphalt Rubber Roads; a Saleable Asphalt Rubber Blending system, so convenient that you can position at your Hot Mix Plant site and control it from your existing plant control room. Other than labor to keep the material supplies loaded, you do not need an additional operator on the project.